We have certainly come a long way from "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". I guess I am on a far end of the spectrum. I would preach quality over quantity, to infinity and beyond, something our excessive culture doesn't agree with, by design. How many have expired under quarantine, completely unrelated to the pandemic? Is it fair that their last months were spent this way, in order to slow the inevitable? I have a loved one who is indefinitely waiting to testify against his best friend's murderer. He can not move forward from his personal trauma, until we can move forward as a species. How long are we going to do this for? I am not afraid to die, nor am I responsible for the lives of others. Death is promised. Life is not. Avoidance is an unhealthy coping mechanism.
#Idontwantmyoldlifeback #Ijustwantsomekindoflife