I’ve written 2 drafted responses to this message that concede your semi-valid observations, while illuminating the fact that you never addressed mine. However, it appears that you are not after intelligent debate, but, merely, a demonization of my own well-rounded insights. My witticisms and gift of words are wasted on such circular arguments. I will point out that my writing is not to intended to piss people off. Rather, it is purely therapeutic for me. If the ego is fragile, there is nothing I can possibly do to prevent its easy wounding. I certainly won’t water down my message to protect someone else’s delicate sensibilities. My heart has finally found her voice. I am awestruck of her beautiful singing, in harmony with the universe. I will not silence her, anymore than I will defend her against those who could never understand her, or would never try. She has been dismissed and mistreated enough. If she loses anyone to her honest, haunting melody, did she ever have them to begin with? #spoileralert #sorrynotsorry #IfYouDontGetHerShesNotForYou
If I was trying to piss you off, I would say something like, “whatever happened to the God’s plan rhetoric that Christians have used, so readily, in the past? If heaven is, in fact, eternal bliss, why do you care at all about Coronavirus, or what I do with my own immune-compromised body? Does God have a plan, or are we all making this up as we go? #SurveySays… something about God getting more angels for heaven… Ooh, I’ve got one!!! This is not my cross to bear. #micdrop #Avoidanceisstillunhealthy #GrandmasoveritandsoamI #DeathIsPromised #LifeIsNot #shameisthenewblack #ImOffTheDeepEnd #WatchAsIDiveIn #FarFromtheShallowsNow