I feel this so hard! Avoidance is, quite literally, an evolutionary coping mechanism, however unhealthy. It’s the modern, Anglo-Saxon, Western-societal, go-to, coping mechanism, long-since perfected. We certainly have never internalized the ideology of “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. #amirite #MoreOftenThanSometimes
I suffer dysautonomia and sensory issues. Wearing a mask is the bane of my existence. I have been to funerals since corona, unrelated to the disease. Is it fair that those people died in quarantine? I have seen both of my grandparents waste away, and the last three days are not pretty for anyone. As someone who is afflicted with an Auto-Immune Disorder and debilitating chronic pain, at 35-years-old, I feel like quantity over quality is not the best approach. #TheAmericanWay Whether we take years or days to leave this world, one thing is for certain, the end is not so pleasant for any of us. Pain begets wisdom, and wisdom begets freedom. I have felt the great ocean calling to me. It’s beautiful and terrifying, just like the physical life. I am not afraid to die, nor am I responsible for the lives of others.
#FuckYourMask #ImHighRiskToo #NotAfraidToDie #FuckingKillMeNow #QualityOverQuantity #amirite #MoreOftenThanSometimes #avoidingtheinevitable #ChristianNationIsFearfulofHeaven #FFSPPL #AggressiveFacePalm
If we consider anyone essential to our society, why do those with such designation work 60+ hours a week, only to not be able to afford their basic needs, i.e. water, food, and shelter. Just a thought: If one is forced to work for food, shelter, medical needs, etc., and, subsequently, not afforded these basic necessities, despite extensive exertion and essential status to our society, are they no better off than slaves? The distinction appears blurry, to say the least, if it weren’t for the added stress of being thrown onto the street for lack of funds, despite work ethic and/or tremendous effort. We can say that we value these workers, but they are, literally, sacrifices to our economy. Where are the job creators in all this?! Why don’t they put on a mask and risk corona, if they are worth their weight in billions… I thought that they held the key to our success as a society? Isn’t that why they make 500x+ what their employees do? Isn’t that why they take private jets to the Cayman Islands, while the grand majority of us starve, bleed, and suffer?! Because they keep society functioning, or some bullshit like that?! Why are they not saving us, if that is why they are so far above us, in the first place?! Who the fuck deserves that kind of total power?! #spoileralert