Did we ever have it, though? #spoileralert I mean, seriously, do you propose that we had control of life before this pandemic? Were you able to will your grandma back to health? I certainly wasn’t, December of 2019, before any hint of Coronavirus. You are going to die. I am going to die. My children are going to die. My pets, my friends, my cousins, my baby’s daddies, and everything else that has the luxury of living. Are you suggesting that we avoid each other, indefinitely? Do you truly believe that we can prevent the virus spreading by dodging human contact, or have we just spent a year shaming people for not following half-baked protocol in order to avoid the inevitable? #spoileralert These restrictions were enacted to slow the spread, not to hide from disease, forever. When do we cross the point of no return? What the fuck is the point of grandma being alive, when she’s alone and she can’t get any help or human interaction? It is so hard for me to live alone, now. In 50 years, I would rather be muther-fucking dead. #PleaseKillMeBeforeThat I will not apologize for wanting my life back at the expense of others. I deserve a life as much as anyone else does. I’m calling it. Let’s see who is the fittest. Your immunities vs my auto-immune disorder. Death is not optional, in life. #StopObstructingNaturalSelection #FuckYourMask #AbleistNightmare #DeathIsNotOptionalInLife #IDontWantMyOldLifeBack #IJustWantSomeKindofLife #StopTellingMeToWhatToDoWhenNobodyKnowsWTFTheyreDoing #That’sAGeneralCommentForSociety #NotYourBlog #ItProbablyAppliesThough Quality over quantity. That’s what we all learn in the end, a hard lesson for our excessive, capitalism-based society. I will be the first to die, Corona-ridden, on that hill, for your quality of life, and mine. #IStartFiresWithMyWitticisms #AndMyFlamethrower #YouCantCancelMeIquit #UnpopularOpinionsFromUnpopularPPL